About Hunt Mountain Software

I'm Steven Holland, and I started Hunt Mountain Software in 2008, with the goal of developing useful and affordable macOS software for the natural sciences. Since then, I've added software for iOS. I'm also a professor in geology and marine sciences.
I have a blog called Stratigrafia and I'm on Twitter.
Privacy Policy
None of my apps collect your data, and when you choose to share data with me, I do not share or sell your information.
When you contact me for support, I collect your email address and any information that you provide voluntarily, such as crash reports. This information is collected only to address your support inquiry. I keep support emails indefinitely to understand patterns in support requests and to have background information if you need to contact me again. If you would like me to remove support emails you’ve sent, email me at huntmountainsoftware@me.com, and I will delete them immediately.
Crash Logs
If one of my apps crashes while you are using it, you will be asked if you would like to share crash data. Sharing crash logs helps me to fix bugs quickly. The data that is sent is anonymized so that I have no idea who it is coming from, nor do I receive any personal information or identifying information about your device.
You are free to opt out of crash log reporting.
Third-Party Vendor Services
Collection and aggregation of usage analytics and crash logs is provided by Apple.
Payment for apps, checking for updates, and management of licenses is managed by Apple.
Geologic and paleontologic data is provided by Macrostrat and the Paleobiology Database.
Data Not Collected
With the exceptions described above, or where app functions make it clear (such as uploading data to your Dropbox or iCloud accounts), my apps do not send private information. Data shared with Dropbox and iCloud is not sent to Hunt Mountain Software.
I do not use web analytics on my website.
Rights of EU Citizens Under GDPR
EU citizens may exercise their rights of access and data removal under the General Data Protection Regulation by contacting me at huntmountainsoftware@me.com.
Questions and Feedback
I may update these privacy policies for clarity, and current information will always be available on this page.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at huntmountainsoftware@me.com.